Sensory Medicine Development of prophylactic and
therapeutic drugs using odor components.


We are a venture capital led drug discovery startup focusing on the concept of "Sensory Medicine".

Sensory Medicine is a concept that integrates and induces the latent bioprotective abilities of humans and animals through sensory stimulation.

Our groundbreaking work has pioneered the development of pharmaceutical seeds that induce artificial hibernation based on this "Sensory Medicine" concept. This innovation offers new therapeutic options for patients grappling with emergency diseases and underscores our commitment to spearheading global healthcare innovations.

* The term “Myrodia” is derived from the Greek word "scent".


What is "Sensory Medicine?"

The brain and organs are closely related through the sensory and vagus nerves, and are deeply involved in the progression of disease by transmitting information and regulating function. This interaction is a critical mechanism for maintaining our body’s health and resisting diseases or external threats. In this process, the central crisis center in the brainstem plays a particularly significant role. This is where, sensory information is processed and the body's response to emergencies is coordinated. We have discovered that artificially transmitting sensory information to the brainstem can elicit functions that protect the body, such as anti-inflammatory immune enhancement, metabolic suppression, and improvement of organ blood flow. We have named this innovative concept "Sensory Medicine".

Sensory Medicine is a technology focused on unlocking life-protecting potential. Humans and animals have developed remarkable abilities to survive throughout evolution. For example, hibernating animals can survive in conditions of hypothermia, low metabolism, and low heart rate that would typically be impossible. Sensory Medicine is inspired by these natural mechanisms, and artificially inducing such states could be helpful in the treatment and prevention of a variety of diseases. This innovative approach could be applied in many medical fields in the future. Sensory Medicine will open new prospects for unconventional therapies and contribute to our health and well-being.



Yuki Kamiya

Yuki KamiyaRepresentative Director and CEO

He has over 15 years of business experience in pharmaceutical companies including licensing, project management, and clinical development. He previously worked for Eisai/EA Pharma, where he created business models in collaboration with venture capital firms, searched for and evaluated in-licensing opportunities from bio-startups, managed and operated in-house development projects with a focus on gastroenterology. He received the Outstanding Leadership Award and the Visionaries Award at the Health 2.0 Conference in 2023 and 2024, respectively.

  • エーザイ株式会社
  • EAファーマ株式会社
Ko Kobayakawa, PhD

Ko Kobayakawa, PhDCSO / Founder

He is a professor at the Institute of Biomedical Science, Kansai Medical University, and the president of Scent science international Inc. He has published many internationally leading results in the field of innate fear emotions toward odor molecules in Nature, Cell, and other journals and has succeeded in developing various types of functional flavors. He pioneered the concept of Sensory Medicine to treat intractable diseases by inducing artificial hibernation and a life-protecting state. Previously, he worked for the Osaka Bioscience Institute. He received his PhD from the graduate school of Tokyo University.

  • 関西医科大学
Atsushi Mizuno

Atsushi MizunoCFO

With over 15 years of experience, he has focused on investing in technology startups across Asia and Israel through the venture capital arm of Mitsui & Co. He was stationed in Israel for more than 6 years, where he led the establishment of a fund exceeding $90M dedicated to investing in early-stage startups in Israel. As a General Partner, he actively contributed to the investments and the fund's administration and operations. His track record includes successful exits through listing on the New York Stock Exchange, among other international and Japanese stock exchanges.

  • 三井
Reiko Kobayakawa, PhD

Reiko Kobayakawa, PhDFounder

Professor at the Department of Functional Neuroscience Genetics, Institute of Biomedical Science, Kansai Medical University

  • 関西医科大学
Taro Inaba

Taro Inaba

Managing Partner of Remiges Ventures.Inc / RDiscovery, KK

Toshiyasu Shimomura, PhD

Toshiyasu Shimomura, PhD

Managing Partner of Taiho Innovations, LLC.

  • Taiho Innovations, LLC.





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